Palmer Home provides superior care for children while introducing the love of God through services to each individual child. Palmer Home ensures restorative environments where children feel safe, connected and supported. Whether on campus or off, each child served by Palmer Home has a safe place to call home with trustworthy, supportive adults to guide them as they grow and develop into all that God created them to be. Palmer Home provides holistic care to each child based on their unique physical, emotional, spiritual and educational needs.

Palmer Home provides services including: Campus Care, Foster Care, Family Care and Transitional Care.

  • Campus care includes giving the children a Christ-centered family atmosphere where children feel safe, connected to trustworthy adults, and are supported as they grow and develop in Palmer Home’s care.

  • Their foster care program allows children the opportunity to experience the support and connection of a family while in the care of Palmer Home. They provide private foster case through Palmer home certified families.

  • Palmer Home’s family care ministry provides nurturing care for the infants of mothers in prison. Additionally, they provide support to mothers in prison and after they are released. With reunification as the ultimate goal, their certified foster families work to cultivate the bond between the mother and child in their care.

  • Transitional care includes continued guidance and coaching for children between the ages of 18-24. Their goal is to prepare each child for independence through career and vocational development, as well as other life-skills to succeed as young adults.

Find out more about the amazing work Palmer Home is doing on their social media and website.


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